Sola Aoi Japanese adult actress short biography

Sola Aoi may be a Japanese adult actress and nude model. She has appeared in mainstream films and television too. She features a celebrity status in japan and abroad.

Sola Aoi was born on Veterans' Day , 1983, in Tokyo. As a student, she worked at various part-time jobs in the food-service industry, such as pizza parlors, pubs and sushi bars. While in her third year in highschool she started gravure modelling. Her stage name means Blue (Aoi) Sky (Sora). At age eighteen in July 2002, she made her first adult film. She has appeared in mainstream films and adult films during her career since then. She has appeared on television too. Sola Aoi features a huge internet presence as she is an online celebrity too. Her add adult videos has been irregular since mid-2006. As a singer, Aoi put out a CD in 2006 titled “Hadaka no Kiss”. Aoi made her debut during a nother Asian entertainment market when she appeared in a Korean TV drama Korean Classroom in May 2009.

Her mainstream films include 2010 comedy horror film Big Tits Zombie, Revenge: A romance and Suster Keramas 2.

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