Birthday: August 26, 1988
 Birthplace: Washington, D.C., USA
 Star Sign: Virgo
 Profession: Pornstar

Tori Black was born as Shellie Chapman on August 26, 1988. She was born in Seattle, Washington. Tori is the currently one of the top adult stars. She is an award-winning

In 2007, Tori attended Washington State University. She majored in Journalism and minored in Sociology- She started performing in explicit hardcore movies in her late teens. Tori Black was the Penthouse Pet of the Month for December 2008. Tori was Twisty’s Treat of the Month for September 2009. Tori Black’s worth ethic is unmatched. Since entering the industry in 2007, she has acted in over 200 films. If you just do a bit of math, that’s like a scene a week. It’s not without merit though. She was the first porn star to ever win AVN Performer of the Year back to back. Tori Black Achieved this feat in 2010 and 2011. CNBC named her one of the 12 most popular names in porn. In an interview with AVN she said her hunger is what makes her so successful. Sexual hunger is what we think she meant. On December 16th 2011, Black announced on her official website that she had given birth to a baby boy. She was pregnant with a second child. Girl you need to start using protection.

Tori Black

Tori Black is definitely beautiful enough to become a supermodel. Instead of doing that she entered porn. Thank god she did that. This majestic beauty will remain on our mind for a long time. her cute little tits make us crazy. along with that perfect ass of course.

Tory Black


  • Birth Name: Shellie Chapman
  • Other Names: Tori Black, Beth, Tori
  • Born: August 26, 1988
  • Birth Place: Seattle, Washington, USA
  • Star Sign: Virgo
  • Profession: Actress
  • Citizenship: USA
  • Language: English
  • Education:
  • Height: 5 feet 9 inches
  • Weight: 64 kg
  • Measurements: 34B-27-37
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Tattoos: One star with interlock ring on lower right belly
  • Piercings: Tongue; navel

External Links

More Info: Wiki | IMDb | Official | IAFD